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  • Order Lead Time 訂購時間
    It depends on whether our schedule can fit in your order or not. Please note that order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis. 請提前查詢。製作需時,名額有限,訂單名額是先到先得的。
  • Pick up / Delivery Arrangement 取餅及送貨安排
    Please arrange to pick up the products at our studio in Tsuen Wan. Opening hours : By appointment only between 12nn - 7pm Please let us know if you need any special arrangement. We can also provide quotation for delivery service according to location and tme. 請你安排到荃灣工作室取餅,請事先預約時間: 中午12時至下午7時 如需要特別安排請盡早查詢。 我們也可以安排送貨服務,因應送貨地點及時間提供報價。
  • Cancellation Policy and Rescheduling of Order 訂單取消或改期政策
    If rescheduling of pick up / delivery date is needed, please notify us at least 7 days in advance. Rescheduling is subject to availability of the new pick up / delivery date. Cancellation and refund request would be accepted at least 14 days in advance. Refund will take 3-5 business day to complete. We also reserve the right to not accepting any reschedule request due to limited availability. 如果訂單的日期必需更改,請你提前最少在訂單日期7天前跟我們提出改期,我們會視乎新的訂單日期還有沒有名額,才能決定可否接納改期要求。 如需取消或退款請於至少14天前提出。 退款需時三至五個工作天。 每天的製作名額有限,我們亦保留否決改期要求的權利。
  • Bad Weather 惡劣天氣安排
    Delivery service will be suspended once typhoon signal no. 8 or black rainstorm is hoisted. Customer has to reschedule the pick up / delivery date to another date which is within 2 days of the original pick up / delivery date. 如果天文台掛上8號風球或黑色暴雨警告,我們的送貨服務將會暫停。客人需要改期至原訂日期兩天內取餅。
  • Storage of Cake and Cookies 蛋糕/曲奇存放
    Our fondant cakes can be stored in the fridge (4°C) for 2 days. To achieve the best texture, allow to thaw for 30-45minutes before serving 我們的翻糖蛋糕可以於4°C冷藏保存最多2天,建議連同蛋糕盒保存。 食用前請將蛋糕放到室溫中回溫30-45分鐘,以達最佳食用效果。 Icing cookies can be stored at room temperature. The recommended shelf life is up to 14 days. 我們的糖霜曲奇可於乾爽環境中存放。 最佳食用期為14天內。
  • Miscellaneous 其他
    The price of our works is not based on weight. It mainly depends on the design requirement and size. Please note that as the cake/cookies are handmade, it is very likely that the colour and look of the cake/cookies vary slightly from the reference photo. The product photo is for reference only. In case of disputes, the decision of Sugary Art shall be final and binding. 我們作品的價錢不是以重量計算價錢,主要視乎設計要求及成品大小。 因為所有成品都是手造,每次都不盡相同,所以製成品有機會跟參考圖有輕微差別。留意圖片只作參考用。 如有任何爭議,Sugary Art保留最後的決定權。
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